Thursday, July 14, 2011

Will Texas Stand Up for U.S. Sovereignty?

From The Right Side of Austin, this post, by Ted Cruz, reaches out to every Texan to take notice and support our governor’s (Rick Perry) work in defending the voice of the American courts. President Obama wants the US Supreme Court to answer to a ”higher authority”, the World Courts. Cruz’s claims point out that America was built on sovereignty and the principles of being independent from other nations (not reliant on). He goes on to list the court cases Perry has defended in the past concerning the same topic. In his eyes, Cruz sees Perry as fit for the white house and hints that Perry has what it takes to support American values on a national level. This is a big deal now seeing as it is rumored that Perry will run in 2012 (not too sure of the outcome myself). This could mean two presidencies very close together from the great state of Texas. This clearly suggests (from this source) that our Texan politicians are doing a good job.
As for the author, Ted Cruz, he has an extensive political background. He is even running for the US Senate in 2012. This man has the knowledge required to write such an article. Being from Texas he is familiar with Perry's work and clearly favors him as a presidential candidate. 
 Back to the issue of answering to the World Court and the UN, I completely disagree with the idea. Governor Perry is correct to stand up against Obama. This is America; we broke away from Britain and gained our independence. Let’s not revert back to exactly what we ran away from. It seems to me like a reconstruction of the judiciary branch as extensive as Obama suggests would require many other changes in our laws. The whole situation seems ridiculous to me. We have the US Supreme Court for a reason, it is our highest court, and it is ruled by the will of the Constitution. We do not need outsiders telling us what our Constitution conveys. (The very Constitution that gave us our own laws not under British rule.)

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